Wednesday, December 30, 2009
A special gift
Monday, December 28, 2009
Shopping spree!
I am going to wear to school with leggings:
This with jeans or a brown skirt and belt.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Feliz Navidad!
Here are a few of my favs:
Hand-carved wooden Santa from a good friend over 15 years ago:
Button Santa from my sister's small town of Hesston, KS:
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Monday: Puerto Rican rice and habichuelas for dinner. I was in heaven. I even had enough to take to school for lunch the next day. Sabrosisimo!!!!
Saturday:I finished this scarf that I saw on Libby's blog and fell in love with stitch and yarn. She clued me in to where I could find both!!
I still love it. I added fringe and hope to debut it next week at school LOL.
Last night I was also inspired to try out a new recipe that has tweaked my curiosity. Have you ever seen those pumpkin rolls with cream cheese filling? Well, Walmart has them for $3.50 a piece. I found the recipe on the back of a can of Libby's pumpkin can.
It taste as good as it looks and pretty simple too. Maybe 20 min of prep?
Last but not least, I am still working on my Crochet by Numbers afghan for my in-laws. I have frogged it twice, because it has to be perfect. I am about a third of the way done, soon I'll have a pic of progress.
I am thankful for my blogging buddies and have Happy Thanksgiving and I hope you are where you want to be and who you want to be with on turkey day. I will be with my kids.....ahhhhhh!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
The wedding afghan....Brett and Nicole 12/12/09
Autumn morn....baking, yum!
Happy Saturday everyone!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Some of this and that.......
Just my own Half-Dc scarf pattern with curly "Q" finge and the hat is from Crochet Today last year.
Here is what I recieved from my partner:

A beautifun scarf9gotta find out the pattern!!), the leftover yarn(yippee!), a Crochet World mag. from 1990(so cooool), a chocolate bar, a crocheted bookmark and 2 more project books from Red Heart. Thanks suellen!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Project updates.......
H1N1 is here!!!!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
The start!
Quiet Blog=Busy Hooks!
This is an afghan square I tried. It has a really cute flower in the middle. It cam out of an old Crochet Today magazine...maybe last spring?
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Candy Corn Ami-part deux
Here is a bulletin board I created for outside of my clase. Notice Sponge Bob is bilingual; shouting "Me gusta espanol!" LOL
P.S. DH and I saw "The Informant" starring Matt Damon. It was a bewildering, strange, true story; very enjoyable!
P.S.S The margaritas at T.G.I. Fridays were especially good too! LOL
Saturday, September 12, 2009
This week in fiber.....
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Hello world!!!!!!
My 18 year old Austen appears to be survivng the first few weeks of university life. He has made it to all his classes and seems to be getting the hng of being on his own. I posted a pic of me presenting him with his afghan on my last post. He was thrilled with it. I got a picture of their dorm room and it was draped over a chair in plain view. High praise from a teenager!!! The cutest remark about it came from his roomate who exclaimed in disbelief; "You made that? From nothing?" We all had a good chuckle and I then explained to him how I did it. Austen is used to seeing me create things, but his roomate had never seen a homemade item.
Skylar and Austen
I haven't really tackled any big projects lately. I've been planning a few, day-dreaming about a few, but nothing has got my up on my hooks and needles yet.
I noticed Christina's post about her tomatoes and here's a pic of mine. Our plant has been battered, bruised, and almost died when it was a wee one, but here it is with 6 tomatoes in the wings. I hope they can get ripe before the first frost. LOL
I did treat myself to 2 skeins of LYS yarn. We have a shop near here that's not great, but it'll do when I need a fix of the "good stuff". It's a wool with a speckles of color through it. Here is the scarf I'm making from it. I got the pattern over at Ravalry, its called Drop Stitch scarf.
DH and I went and saw Julie&Julia last night. I was in heaven. Such a great escapist movie. Meryl Streep and Stanley Tucci just transport you to another time and place. 5 stars from me!!!
Hello to all and it's good to be back!!