Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Knitting Time! Arm warmers.....
Knitting Time! I originally started out my love for fiber when I taught myself how to knit about 4 years ago. I simply downloaded the instructions off the web, checked out every book possible at my public library and about 48 hours later had my first(although terrible scarf.) My blog amiga Christina inspired my to dig out my trusty ole needles when she posted this project on her blog. It felt so good to have them back in my hands. Here are my arm warmers. Much thanks for such a great pattern to
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
2 new scarves and a night out!
My husband had a great idea for his folks' x-mas present. It was for an experience instead of a tangible gift. (And let's face it, who can think of somethng unique to give 70+ year olds. (I know, I know you're thinking....crochet 'em something and I did, this was my husband's gift to them. LOL)
He wanted to take them out to dinner at a nice resturant and let them tour the Plaza and see the lights here in KCMO. We ate at PF Chang's(MMMMMMMmmmmmmmm!) and then went for a stroll and then split a piece of cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory. That's where this pic was snapped. His folks really enjoyed the royal treatment and we had a good time too.
Here is the latest project. My famous HDC scarf with curly Q fringe with a matching hat from Yarnlovers pattern at the "Ville.
He wanted to take them out to dinner at a nice resturant and let them tour the Plaza and see the lights here in KCMO. We ate at PF Chang's(MMMMMMMmmmmmmmm!) and then went for a stroll and then split a piece of cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory. That's where this pic was snapped. His folks really enjoyed the royal treatment and we had a good time too.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Merry Christmas! Felicidades! (and a free scarf pattern!
Here is the annual picture of my tree before it comes down. Sigh.
My sister and her family are coming up tomorrow if the darn snow doesn't get in their way. It just started in about an hour ago. Keep your fingers and toes crossed. My sister, is my only other fellow hooker in my life. She totally gets the connection between your soul and making something with your hands. Hopefully we'll get time to poor over patterns together or at least sit side by side and hook away.
This is a scarf of my own design. It my fav and I can work on it at any time with very little thought. So without further ado:
My half-dc curly fringe scarf:
Close up of detail:
The pattern:I used a size I hook, but gauge is not important, just how tight you like your stitches.
1 skein of worsted weight yarn(mine is RHSS)
Chain a string of stitches as tall as you are.(Give or take a few depending on your taste.)
Row 1: Half-double crochet into second chain from hook. Repeat to end. Turn, chain 2
Row 2-12: Half-double crochet in every stitch, turn, chain 2 at every row end.
Fasten off at the end of row 12.
Fringe: Holding 2 strands of yarn together.
Chain 25, 3 sc in every chain. Fasten off, leave about six inches of yarn to fasten to scarf.
Make 12 curly Q's, Fasten 6 to each end of the scarf. Viola!
Edited to add:
To make a curly Q:
3 Sc in 2nd chain from hook, then 3sc in each chain across, it should start curling immediately Fasten off, repeat.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Projects, projects, projects!
My hooks have been flying!!! I finished two really cute stockings for my in-laws(darn, forgot to take a picture!!!) I finished a really cute and simple scarf that I got off of macrochet (Thanks again ladyjarhead!)I also completed three x-mas tree ornaments that I designed myself. I am giving them away to colleagues and acquaintances. last Saturday, I bought half of a booth at an Open House with a girlfriend and made $62....wheeee! it's not so much the money, but the lightening of my FO stash. Now I can make more stuff!!!
Here are the pictures:
Christmas tree ornaments:
Pretty one-skein scarf:
Pig ornaments
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Not much going on........
Hi! My crocheting has seriously taken the back seat during this past week. Just around the time where I need to kick it into high gear for presents and such, I can't find a spare minute to sit and crochet or I'm soooo tired that when I do sit, I fall alseep(much to my family's chargrin!) I did finish YarnLuvr's hat last Saturday,and love the pattern! So easy and quick, with such great results!

Hopefully I'll have more projectds to post this week!
Hopefully I'll have more projectds to post this week!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Food post ahead!
Here is the 7 layer dip I am taking to my SIL's house today for Thanksgiving dinner. Look at it first, and then I will tell you what's wrong with it. LOL
Well, I assembled all my ingredients last night on the counter(or so I thought....) in preparation to make this. I carefully mixed taco seasoning with the refried beans and spread that in the pan first. Next, I rinsed the black beans and layered those next. Sour cream, shedded cheddar cheese, olives and chives followed. Now look at the pic again, when did I remember the salsa? This morning!!! Arghhhhh!!!! It was supposed to go on top of the refried beans. I dolloped it on top and hope everyone else will think its artistic.
Well, I assembled all my ingredients last night on the counter(or so I thought....) in preparation to make this. I carefully mixed taco seasoning with the refried beans and spread that in the pan first. Next, I rinsed the black beans and layered those next. Sour cream, shedded cheddar cheese, olives and chives followed. Now look at the pic again, when did I remember the salsa? This morning!!! Arghhhhh!!!! It was supposed to go on top of the refried beans. I dolloped it on top and hope everyone else will think its artistic.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Alert! Ramblings and a turkey potholder!
Today the entire family was home. I actually slept in until after 8:00am. Taylor(my oldest daughter)kept the lil boys quiet and I swear I didn't know anyone was even up. What a surprise to come downstairs and realize everyone was awake but me. AHHHHH! It felt good.
We decided to go to a matinee today. We saw "Bolt" in 3-D. It was a really cute movie. The guys loved it. It was definitely a feel good movie. Everyone left with a smile on thier faces.
we're going to my SIL for turkey day dinner and I'm much like my blog-buddy Crafty Christinawho has bought a turkey and will prepare it the next day because we want leftovers!!! My SIL dosen't want me to bring anything so I guess I get to go and enjoy. Side note: I am taking a seven-layer dip, just to show I'm not totally without manners. My momma said you never show up empty-handed to a gathering. Maybe I'll post a pic of it when its done later tonite. It's gonna be good.
Happy Thanksgiving one and all. I am so thankful for my family, friends, my home, and my life.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Another shrug. I am so addicted to this pattern. This is brown RHSS with a fleck in it. I adapted the pattern a little. I don't know if I'll keept his one or sell it. There is a bazaar coming up on Dec. 7th and 13th. I have been asked to participate at both. It might be nice to sell a few things before the holidays for some extra spending cash. Things are tight this year.

Close up of buttton:
Close up of buttton:
Saturday, November 22, 2008
(sing to the tune"Happy Birthday)Happy Saturday to me! Happy Saturday to me! Happy Saturday to me.....! This is one of the best Saturdays ever because when this weekend is over there are only 2, count 'em, 2 work days this week. School is only in session on Monday and Tuesday this week and our principal gave us permission to wear jeans on both days. WoooHoo! Its the lil' things in life that count.....:)
Anyway, my last post was about a turkey I made for my MIL and I gifted it to her last night and she loved it. Her face just lit up when I presented it to her.That made it so worthwhile.
Here is a santa purse I completed this week. I don't have anyone to give it too, but it was too darn cute not to make. Hopefully an occasion will present itself so I can give him away.

One more note; my DH and I tried to go see a movie last night. There is nothing of any quality out rith now. (must be waiting for this coming weekend to release the good stuff) So we bought tickets for "Rachael got married." it was sooooo slow. It was like watching some other families home movies. DH got antsy about half way thru, so we left and caught the tail end of Quantum of Solace.(James Bond) At least he's easy on the eyes. :)
Anyway, my last post was about a turkey I made for my MIL and I gifted it to her last night and she loved it. Her face just lit up when I presented it to her.That made it so worthwhile.
Here is a santa purse I completed this week. I don't have anyone to give it too, but it was too darn cute not to make. Hopefully an occasion will present itself so I can give him away.

One more note; my DH and I tried to go see a movie last night. There is nothing of any quality out rith now. (must be waiting for this coming weekend to release the good stuff) So we bought tickets for "Rachael got married." it was sooooo slow. It was like watching some other families home movies. DH got antsy about half way thru, so we left and caught the tail end of Quantum of Solace.(James Bond) At least he's easy on the eyes. :)
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Homemade Turkey!
I started out dreading this project that Devin's 2nd grade teacher sent home. The assignment was to make a turkey, any kind of turkey as a family and send it in to display in the library. Well, we decided to use a leftover pumpkin from Halloween(recycle, right?) and then decorated with felt,feathers, beads, and wheat. Devin and I are pretty proud of him.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Winner Announced!
Hi everyone! Thanks so much for all the comments left. I had a ball getting visited from places as close as Wichita and as far away as Great Britain. I won't keep you in suspences any more....the winner of my 1 year Blog-a-versary contest is...........(drumroll please......):
Craziebunny! She voted for the ami-candy corn.
I loved making my ami-candy corns. They became my signature piece this season. All my freinds, collegues, and family found themselves to be the owner of one of these lil' darlings, sometime during this past month. But I must say that all of my projects have fond memories. My shrugs, potholders, and ami's all are in good, loving homes, but I take solace that a little part of me is with the special paople I gifted them to. Email me, craziebunny to claim your prize!!!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Happy Blog-a-versary!
I'm celebrating 1 entire year of blogging and I'd like to sponsor a contest. Journey with me back throughout the year and vote on your favorite project. If its also my favorite and you're the first one to leave a comment on it....Ta -da! You're the winner of the contest and I'll send you a special prize!


There you have a retrospective of the year that was crochet. I'd love to hear from ya!!I'll announce the winner on Sunday, Nov. 9th, 2008.

There you have a retrospective of the year that was crochet. I'd love to hear from ya!!I'll announce the winner on Sunday, Nov. 9th, 2008.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Week in Review.........
Trenton before Trick or Treating:
Devin at school parade:
Entire blanket:
Devin at school parade:
It was a good, fast week that ended with Halloween and Trick or Treating. We had parties at school on Friday and then came home for a couple of hours and went out door to door. The weather here was absolutely perfect. It was 70 degrees, no wind (in Kansas?) The boys made it for at least over an hour and came home with some heavy bags. They dumped it out on the floor and made a couple of piles: Good, Dad's, & giveaway. LOL.
I finished the baby blanket that I have been working on since Sept. I frogged the border twice. The first time I started with the wrong stitch and the next time it was too tight and made the blanket pucker all the way around. Now I am pleased with the result and will actually give it to the 3rd grade teacher in our building this coming week at her shower.
Close-up of border:
One more note, I completed and sold the other shrug and made a tidy little profit.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Pumpkins! Pumpkins!
Well we finally got around to carving our pumpkins today and even if I do say so myself, they look MARVELOUS! The little boys added capes to theirs and the one with the big, toothy grin is my husband's. Didn't he do a great job? He probably enjoys this tradition more than anyone. He says he doesn't remember getting to do it as a kid.

Here are my two little guys in their costumes. Notice the "action" poses. They getting really into it this year. They have never seen any of the Star War movies, but I guess these characters are now a part of our popular culture now.
Feliz Halloween!
Here are my two little guys in their costumes. Notice the "action" poses. They getting really into it this year. They have never seen any of the Star War movies, but I guess these characters are now a part of our popular culture now.
Feliz Halloween!
Friday, October 24, 2008
No calorie....No fat!
I wore my gray shrug to school last week(check out this post and a Third grade teacher in my building fell in love with it, so she commissioned me to make her 2!!! So here is the first one:
I used almost 2 skeins of RHSS in black fleck and a big button from WalMart. She paid me $35 and wants one in gray like mine with a big,sparkly button. I'm half-way up the back and sleeves on that one.
My other crochet-project for this weekend is I am making gift-bags for the kids teachers filled with my crocheted candy corn. I bought plastic treat bags and an going to put 3 candy corn ami's in each and then decorate with ribbon and raffia. I'll post a pic of the final project. I'm hoping it'll be cute.
I am home from school today because I worked 2 twelve hour days on Wed. and Thurs. this week for Parent-Teacher conferences....whewww! The weather is cold, dreary, and wet here , so we may just stay curled up inside today. My hubby and I do have "date-night". My MIL(who is a doll!) is coming to baby-sit while we get to have drinks, appetizers and a movie. I wonder what's out? I haven't seen ads to know if any good movies are out tonite.
Happy Firday everyone or if we were still on the island...Feliz viernes social!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Halloween table decorations!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
The candy man can!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
My shrug!
I have something new to wear for the teacher meetings all day tomorrow! This is my shrug that I made with 3 skeins of .99 each Bernat Beralla yarn. I kinda followed the SnB HH shrug pattern but made a few changes. I eleminated the tie and am using a sparkly brooch, so I kind adjust it the way I want.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Who doesn't like candy corn?
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Thank goodness for Saturday!
Got up, made Bisquick waffles for breakfast, decorated house for autumn/Halloween, made a trip to Target to pick up a b-day present for Trenton to take with him to a party later today. If this had been a regular weekday; none of that would have gotten done.
While Trenton was at his party I did manage to sneak in a quick trip to Michael's......$.99 each! I've started a shrug.

Got up, made Bisquick waffles for breakfast, decorated house for autumn/Halloween, made a trip to Target to pick up a b-day present for Trenton to take with him to a party later today. If this had been a regular weekday; none of that would have gotten done.
While Trenton was at his party I did manage to sneak in a quick trip to Michael's......$.99 each! I've started a shrug.
Monday, September 29, 2008
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