Sunday, April 18, 2010
More Uglies!!!!
Here are the 2 latest additions to the "ugly" family. I finished them up before our crazy weekend but am just posting them now. Meet Ima Ugly.

Sooooooo busy!!!!!
Well, it centainly was the weekend to end all! We had so much to do and now we need a weekend to recuperate!
It all started on Thursday with Devin's 9th birthday, we had Grandma, grandpa and cousins over for cake.
It all started on Thursday with Devin's 9th birthday, we had Grandma, grandpa and cousins over for cake.
Next, it was his birthday sleepover on Friday night. There were 5 guys all together and they had a great time. We grilled hamburgers and hot dogs, had a cookie cake, and played in the zip-line in the backyard. (the weather cooperated, beautiful sunny and 60's!!!)Then we moved inside for "Minute-to-win-it!" games. If you haven't seen the game show on TV, its good family watchin'! My DH downloaded a list of the games and went to WalMart for items and the boys had a great time competing against the clock, instead of each other. We did cup stacking, M&M transfers, apple stacking, ping-pong ball toss just to name a few. We also did the infamous Kleenex box emptier. That was a hoot!
DS displaying one of the gifts he received.
Saturday was spent reuperating and house-cleaning(as if that weren't enough! LOL)
Sunday was race day for our family. A little brother of one of Trenton's baseball teamates has a rare form of cancer. You can read all about him here, prayers welcome! The teamates walked the mile to show their support for him and a fellow teacher and I ran the 5k. We started training on March 1st and have gradually worked up to it. We are soooo proud of ourselves! We finished it and didn't walk not one step!!!!!
This is a picuter of Trenton with his teamamtes and the banner they carried to show thier support.
Here is a picture of the shirt and medal I got for competing.
We're all pooped and spending the day napping and lounging around. I've already taken nap #1, it's almost time for #2. ;)
Saturday, April 10, 2010
We interrupt this blog.........
For a proud mama moment........Taylor's Junior Prom:
Taylor and her date Eric:
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Meet Reagan Ugenia Ugly or R.U.Ugly
Have you heard of Ugly Dolls?(Check out the link if you haven't.) I decided to make my own. This is Reagan, her full name is Reagan Ugenia Ugly or R.U. Ugly. I'm toying with the idea to make her a brother: C. More Ugly or a sister Beatrice Ugly or Bee Ugly. I'm thinking of writing this up as a pattern too. Won't they be cute in all sorts of colors?
Poor bear! I don't think she likes Reagan!
Saturday, April 3, 2010
A whole lot of something!!!!
Hi all! Although the blog may have been a little quiet since spring break, you know my mind and hands are always at work. Let me give you a gander at some of the latest.......

My mom was in the hospital two weeks ago and I sent her this to keep her company. It did the job fabulously. My MIL went in for surgery on Friday and she got one too.
I made these two scarves with some embroidered and bling embellishment. I'm thinking of opening an Esty store and selling them. My next idea is to make some college-themed or pro-sport ones. What do you think? Even if you don't regularly leave a comment, would you mind weighing in?
This is my final brain-child of the week and it's still in progress. Let's just say its based on a very popular toy with the tween crowd right now.

Finally, music afghan update, its slow going, but going!
We finally have beautiful spring weather here today in the heartland. Devin has baseball practice and my Dh got asked to the prom so we'll be dress shopping. maybe I can sneak a picture and let you preview the dress.
Happy Easter! Feliz Pascuas!
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