My DH recruited me to make multi-purpose pillows for the RV. (See last post) Since space is going to be at such a premuim in this little camper we thought it might be a good idea to replace our sofa pillows with bed pillows , but put an upholstered slipcover on them that could be removed at night. Dual-purpose pillows!

Close-up of the material:

The velcro closure:

I also have been working on my SP's package from the V'ille's swap. I should have it ready to go by Spring Break. I have made a bunch of stuff and one project that would even make Lesa proud. (I whipped it up on my machine!) Can't wait to post it! I hope she likes it.
The shrug that I am working on for me is coming along, but it keeps getting put down for all the other projects. I'm afraid it'll be to warm by the time its ready, maybe I should start on one in cotton and a lighter color.
My HHSnB shrug:

LOL of course I will be oh so proud can't wait to see what you whipped up. Love the pillows the fabric looks oh so great. The shrug is coming along great you almost done. I know what you mean about trying to get things done I always say so much yarn so little time lol. :)
Yeah some sewing! Great job on the pillows. You should show us your machine! Everyone should show their sewing machines! Lesa and Cami have showed theirs. I need to show mine. Ooh what shrug are you doing out of SnB? I bet you got tons done it just doesn't feel like it. I feel like that everyday!
My machine is soooooo old! Used to be my Grandma's! I drool at eveyone else's! I'll post a pic and ya'll can have a good giggle and feel sorry for me!
The pillows look great! I'd love to see you sewing machine too!
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