Fellow bloggers; we have been challeged by Greyt Balls of Yarn to scavenge through our stash and see how many projects we currently have in progress or have left behind. I'm pretty good about finishing most of my Wips up or frogging them and putting the yarn to good use another way. About once a year when I organize my stash, patterns, and magazines; I also make a list of all the projects I may have started and would like to finsih. That is when I frog or finish. So, without further ado...........The JRT afghan:(currently on row 108 of 125, the end is in sight!)

A shrug, I really want to get this one done this year!!

Floaty fall scarf( From the autumn issue of Crochet Today!)

Started this for Devin's 2nd grade teacher who was pig crazy, well, Devin is in 3rd grade now...maybe I didn't finish this because I was winging it (no pattern!)...LOL

Granny baby blanket, raan out of yarn, need to go buy some with next Michael's coupon.

Republic scarf from Ravelry is on my needles also, but I frogged it baaack to the first row becasue my gauge was off, so nothing much to see there.
There you have it my dirty laundry...er...my Wips, hung out there for all to see.
Happy MLK day!