It's spring break for us here in Kansas. Last, Friday was absolutely gorgeous; 80 degrees, bright and sunny. Then , in one fail swoop the temperature plummeted on Sarturday and has been struggling to creep back into the 50's. I got the urge to knit. So, I dug out some Suga and Cream cotton and my truty size 7 bamboos and presto!(Well, maybe not that quick, but by Suday night...) I had these two done.
was just wayyy tooo fun! I've needed a kick in the pants for a long
time to get my fiber mojo back and this project was just the thing to do
it. I was wandering Pinterest one day and came across this link in the
DIY section. Out of curiosity, I followed it and was instantly
interested in trying it. So off to Michael's for a quick purchase of
super bulky yarn(Cozy Wool by Loops and Threads) and couldn't wait to
get started. The entire project took under an hour. That is binding off
and sewing the ends of the scarf together. talk about instant
gratification! I'm just sad I didn't find this earlier in the year when I
was searching for Christmas gifts, I think my college-age DD and
friends would have loved getting these in various colors.
So, here is the link Arm Knitting and good luck and have fun!
Wanna share in a little celebration with me? An editor from the magazine Crochet Today contacted me and wants to use a picture of my Joplin Vest in an upcoming issue of the magazine. My non-fiber friends just don't understand how excited I am that the magazine took notice of me and my little blog. Wheeeee!