Hellooooo! How is your 2012 going? Mine got off to quite a rough and painful start. It all began on New year's eve......my DH treated me and the boys to a nice dinner at a restaurant called Granite City Brewery. We made a party of it. I started off with a glass off Pinot Grigio and soft pretzel sticks with cheese dipping sauce(yum!) My youngest DS helped me with those. DH treated himself to a sumptuous steak and a good time was had by all. The trouble began after the ball had dropped in NYC and we all hugged each other and bid each other good night. My stomach had started bothering me earlier in the evening and then my entire chest and back was gripped with excruciating pain. Thinking it was just reflux and I hunkered down in the family room with my Tums and Pepto. Fastfoward 4 long and painful hours later when my DH awoke to me still moaning and writhing in pain. He promptly called his mom to cover the house with boys and rushed me to the nearest ER. Now this really is getting to be to long of a story, huh? Well, it was my gall bladder. How about that? Isn't it silly of all things that's what it was. I actually had to undergo two procedures, the first was an ERCP to remove gallstones in my common bile duct(which is a little microscope inserted through your mouth) then I had the bladder removed laproscopically. Suffice it to say I'm finally all better!!!!!!!! I return to work for half days tomorrow and Friday then full-time on Tuesday. Yay!!!!!
Enuff of that.... onto yarny, fibery goodness!!!! Even though I took an entire week off of my hooks and needles, I still have quite a bit to show you. some I finished right before my illness and some I've just dove into.
This is yet another Gap-tastic Cowl.
I used this really cool yarn from Michael's called DewDrops, It has sequins sewn into it. You can see the little sparkle in the picure. I love it.
My very first knitted button hole! The wrap currently measures about 54 inches and it needs to be about 56 inches, so the end is in sight.
Here are the buttons, I picked out! Can't wait to add them! |
Here is yet another Gap-tastic Cowl, this one is for the college DD. She saw mine with the little bling and wanted one for herself, I'm happy to oblige!
My illness lead to an unexpected yarn windfall. My dear staff and friends at school gave me a gift card to the local LYS. They are all too familiar with my fiber fascination. These three skeins of Cascade Rustic may be used for this crochet cardigan. I thin it'll be darling with a black or white tee underneath it.
This little collection of yarn is for a super top-secret project. I may let you in on it once I have finished planning it, but I don't want to tip my hand just yet. Hee! Hee!
Well, there you have it the start of 2012. I hope your first week has been happy and healthy. Give someone a smile or a hug today!