I used almost 2 skeins of RHSS in black fleck and a big button from WalMart. She paid me $35 and wants one in gray like mine with a big,sparkly button. I'm half-way up the back and sleeves on that one.
My other crochet-project for this weekend is I am making gift-bags for the kids teachers filled with my crocheted candy corn. I bought plastic treat bags and an going to put 3 candy corn ami's in each and then decorate with ribbon and raffia. I'll post a pic of the final project. I'm hoping it'll be cute.
I am home from school today because I worked 2 twelve hour days on Wed. and Thurs. this week for Parent-Teacher conferences....whewww! The weather is cold, dreary, and wet here , so we may just stay curled up inside today. My hubby and I do have "date-night". My MIL(who is a doll!) is coming to baby-sit while we get to have drinks, appetizers and a movie. I wonder what's out? I haven't seen ads to know if any good movies are out tonite.
Happy Firday everyone or if we were still on the island...Feliz viernes social!