WolfDreamer off the hook has really cool Pokemon and Mario patterns. The pictures and patterns are great and easy to follow. Here's a special request by my youngest son; Trenton for chain chomp.He must of liked him because this Chain Chomp now occupies the prized side table by my son's bed.(That's where all the good treasures go...LOL)
So cute! Brings back memories of when we got our nintendo. Hmmm, think it was 1988 or 1989. My cousin and I played Mario Bros for hours and hours.
I've forgotten all my old video game characters, so this brings back memories! Very cute!! Also, thanks for replying to my question about posting pics of SpongeBob. I've seen pictures on other websites, but wasn't sure if these people had to get permission from the "powers that rule" licensed products. :) Have a great Memorial Day!
Hi how r u? I love the ami's very cute and very nice family pics with the graduate. You look at your kids and think where did the time go! My son graduated last year, he was born with some physical and neurological disabilities which made learning difficult well I am proud to say he beat the odds and graduated in the top 10% of his class. They look so handsome in their cap and gown it brings tears of joy to your eyes. And what about the beard, when did that happen????
My sons girlfriend is graduating this year so my son will attend her prom this Tuesday Evening and I will be there with camera in hand. I will post a pic. Whoo hoo....school is almost out for the summmer, do you take the summer off?
This summer I will be taking it easy, tending my flowers and small garden, pinic, bike rides, walks, tennis, cribbage with Tom...of course I will be crocheting and cooking and possibly a few weekend trips. I am hoping to get to Vermont this summer there are a few great yarn shops.
Congrats to the grad!
Hi Caroline, man he is cute, its funny, I had this pattern saved in my Google documents and was printing this one and the mushrooms off, and then went to check out some blogs....and find you have made this Chain Chomp. My little Aiden loves mario, and I have already made him a Super mario and the bomb. So this will be cute. You did a fantastic job on him.
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